Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Honey (alternative) Glazed Tempeh

Are you familiar with tempeh? My fondest memory so far was a chance visit in Omaha, NE. We had lunch at McFoster’s Cafe where I ordered my first tempeh reuben sandwich. Recently I decided to get away from the pan, and try a combination of steaming, marinating and baking. After the results, I'm not sure I'll be cooking tempeh in a pan for some time, this stuff just got really good!

In all honesty, I didn't measure when making this, so you'll have to base quantities on what you feel is best. We had a few containers of honey that needed scraping out, and that's just what I did.


honey alternative (maple syrup is my preference)
balsamic vinegar


Cut tempeh in nice size pieces. Steam for 20-25 minutes. Mix wet ingredients and marinade tempeh in refrigerator for at least two hours. Bake at 350 degrees for 35-45 minutes. I've found that depending on your marinade, the timing varies. If you have a lot of moisture, it can cook longer. Otherwise, it can burn, so watch it.

I like to serve with quinoa and a green vegetable.